The upcoming show will deviate slightly from the main timeline of the MCU as we follow a past version of Loki. Marvel fans will remember Thanos killing Loki inAvengers: Infinity War, of which theGod of Mischiefhas not come back. Loki's return to Marvel Studios is because of the events of...
“Loki” (Disney+)“The Morning Show” (Apple TV+)“Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” (Paramount+)X–“Succession” (HBO)“Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty” (HBO)Spacecataz: Bow to “Succession”!Best Drama ActorX– Kieran Culkin......
which hasn't been helped by the severe decline in quality seen in Phases 4 and 5 of the MCU. The studio's newest film,The Marvels, also commonly known asCaptain Marvel 2, will see Brie Larson return as Captain Marvel, alongside Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan ...
Or did he? While chatting with Syfy Wire at New York Comic-Con, Frank Grillo made it clear that he would love to return to the McU to play Crossbones again at some point. As for how Rumlow could survive a bomb blast, Grillo reminded us that anything can happen in a comic book movie...