If I Lose My Hair after Chemo, Ozzy Will Shave His TooByline: ADRIANA EISENBERGEisenberg, AdrianaEvening Standard
“Jada, I love ya.G.I. Jane 2— can’t wait to see it,” Rock quipped while presenting Best Documentary Feature, directing his comments atJada Pinkett Smith, who is bald and who has previously spoken publicly about her hair-loss condition, alopecia. ...
It all started in college (my senior year). I got cancer (Hodgekins Disease). Had a surgery, stayed in Boston to have treatment, lost my hair. Lost a lot of weight. Felt pretty lonely but graduated college. Moved back home to NY. Got a job in the entertainment industry (a talent ...
Daniel: My Brave Majella Will Shave Hair off before ChemoUna BrankinSarah Stack