“We believe that in the long run Cyberpunk 2077 will be perceived as a very good game, and like our other titles, it will sell for years – especially as the hardware gets more powerful over time and we improve the game. “We’re working on updates all the time, a...
Major expansions and smaller DLC - Developer CD Projekt Red has already promised that Cyberpunk 2077 will be a "whole, full value game" at launch, but follow...
but Microsoft will surely be opening that up to more and more games as the weeks/months/years go by. There’s a nice variety of wares including Cyberpunk 2077, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, Assassin’s Creed Mirage, NBA
Now Playing:Xbox Series X Cross-Buy Includes Halo Infinite & Cyberpunk 2077 - GS News Update Halo Infinite is also the flagship product for Microsoft's newSmart Delivery feature. That means you'll be able to purchase it and any other participating game on Xbox One, and when you upgrade yo...
is now live and there’s a limited selection of 50 titles at the moment (see below), but Microsoft will surely be opening that up to more and more games as the weeks/months/years go by. There’s a nice variety of wares including Cyberpunk 2077, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, Ass...
We believe that in the long term Cyberpunk 2077 will be perceived as a very good game and, like our other titles, it will sell for years – especially as the hardware will be more efficient and the game will be improved by us all the time." Kiciński added the...
Designing Endings and Balancing Player Expectations: Illustrated by the Epilogue of ‘Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty (Moritz Lehr and Pawel Ochocki at CD Projekt Red) Reimagining Leaders for Civilization VII (Chandrahas Tanguturi and Rue Taylor at Firaxis Games) ...
With the vast majority of CD Projekt RED’s work on Cyberpunk 2077 having wrapped up after Update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty, the developer has now entered a phase where it’s started looking ahead to the next game in the franchise, codenamed Project Orion. It is, however, currently in the...
it's time to move on to what the game actually looks like. Fortunately, there is much more good news here than in the case of optimization. It's obvious thatSTALKER 2doesn't set new trends in graphics, it's not a newRed Dead Redemption 2orCyberpunk 2077, but consi...
It's unclear if publishers will have the option to decline to use Smart Delivery in lieu of selling two different copies of the same game for the Xbox One and Xbox Series X. CD Projekt Redhas already announcedthat it will use Smart Delivery for their hotly-anticipatedCyberpunk 2077. We'll...