You can mix your used coffee grounds with soap and boiling water and pour it right down the drain. Shutterstock Photo by AndreyOzhegov The mixture should break up anything that’s clogging the pipes and rid you of ever pulling out another hairball again. Wh...
Sailing in Sag Harbor at that time really resurrected Jimmy all around us. As we made our way to new cruising grounds to us—although they were old hat to Jimmy: Shelter Island, Greenport, and the like—five cruising lessons, grown out of the lyrics of one of the greatest songwriters of...
While the kettle is boiling, grind your coffee to about the coarseness of coarse sea salt or a little finer. Add the ground coffee to the wetted filter. Give the brewer a tap or two against your work surface to level out the grounds. ...
We lounged the afternoon away at the pool (cruising is real hard) then hopped on the free marina bikes and peddled the grounds for a bit before cleaning up for dinner, which apparently at The Wharf, comes with a show! Every Thursday night, the Wharf hosts a “Sunset Festival” much li...
The kick drum grounds you solid like the roots of a towering Redwood tree. Our heart beats not at a normal rate. With the right music, we access the realm within ourselves that can ascend above the clouds. Turbo charged. The snare locks you into the mental state that allows you to ...
Takeone tablespoon of coffee grounds, brown sugar, and half teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Mix these three ingredients with 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply the mixture on your belly skin. Gently scrub it in circular motions for 3 to 5 minutes. ...
into the water supply can possibly hurt other people and organisms. If an animal or child gets into the trash and accidentally consumes the vitamins, they could get sick. It is better to mix the vitamins with used coffee grounds or cat litter and then put that into a container with a ...
My awesome neighbor then spent hours moving it, tractor scoop by tractor scoop, from the front of the property to the back, and into my raised beds. The next day, my husband tilled the new compost in with my existing soil. It was a beautiful sight!!
Secret Service to guard the White House grounds. The breed's popularity rose after one appeared in the 2015 family film "Max," but it is important to remember that these dogs require plenty of stimulation and exercise, or they may develop destructive and neurotic behaviors. #31. Miniature ...
探员们 这是负责人塔基·乔治亚罗 Hey, GBI, this is our terminal grounds person, Taki Georgiou. 他负责集装箱的维修和存放 He oversees container maintenance and inventory. 也负责调查UTL Looking into that UTL. - 什么是UTL - 无法定位 - Whats UTL? - Means unable to locate. 你们对这次事故有什么...