The studio behind Cities: Skylines 2 wants to focus on bigger patches that bring more fixes together rather than smaller, quicker patches.
Ed Smith Previously of Edge, Vice, Polygon, and the BBC, Ed is symbiotically connected to the gaming news matrix, covering everything from Cities Skylines 2 road tools, to Half-Life mods, and classic boomer shooters. Between Counter-Strike 2, Starfield, and Resident Evil - as well as ...
Paradox Interactive have announced that they're going to be increasing their prices. Some countries will get a huge bump and others only a little bit but some will actually be decreased. Their new head of sales wrote on the Paradox forum about the changes in awordy postbut I'll...
When you think about those broken by anti-cheat, 15 might not sound like a lot but these are they absolute most popular games on Steam. Their absence will be felt if they aren't updated to work. Considering there are over 52,000 games on Steam (with...
The Senior Citizen Center Mod for Cities Skylines is a mod that enables functionality for Nursing Home Assets. This mod is required when downloading Nursing Home Assets for Cities Skylines that reference this mod otherwise the Assets will not function properly. ...