one day a waiter in our restaurant shouted at a customer(顾客)and some of us weren't very helpful when our customers had some problems in our restaurant. We need to be not only fast, but also friendly and polite.
Also, set $ImagePath to a path holding the included image files (or those you add/edit). This path should be available to all users who may receive the reminder message. This is probably a public server. 1 param( 2 [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true...
It’s been awhile and I hope all is going well. Not much had happened in the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman case but within the past few weeks a tentative trial date of June 10, 2013 was set. I’m currently in the process of shutting off the comment sections of the previous BccList...
In addition, provide a build APK using the Crosswalk build and the Cocoon build so I can show the Crosswalk project. p.s. Here's what is being included in your app, from a plugin perspective, based on the beginning of the detailed build log you provided: Installing "org.apache.cordova....