Creating havoc since 2006. Fair use is claimed for images on this site, but they will be removed (if owned) on request out of politeness.
aBut it’s not just the plot that will wow the audience. The special effects are incredible, and well worth every dollar spent on them. Computer-generated imagery (CGI) effects bring to life the evil Sandman and Venom as if they really do exist --- Spider-Man has to battle both these...
We who are the scribes of the future share in the blessings and energies that are inspired by all the great ones of the immortals. It is with great fortitude and the breath of life that we are allowed to be here and to know of each other’s whereabouts on this planet. I have been ...
The successful development of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) analogues, derived from the saliva of a lizard from the Helodermatidae family, has provided the proof of concept that antidiabetic drugs directly targeting pancreatic β-cells can emerge from venomous animals. The ...
I believe that our president should not be pushed around at the convention. His approval ratings may be down at the moment, but a well crafted speech in St. Paul might help him to save his legacy. Posted By: panderbear | August 08, 2008 at 11:26 AM Report Abuse I think l<3 repu...
Like Walter, I promise nothing but friendship and loyalty, boast nothing but crassness and machismo and whether you like me or not, I will be there, ringer in hand, to defend you...
Science fiction has been recently referred to as the last great literature of ideas. It contains imaginative concepts such as parallel universes, fictional worlds full of advanced technology, time travel, extraterrestrial life, and even sociocultural com
(protesting against the stealing of elections and the killing of their children with snake venom) “the terrorists” – these “terrorist politicians in Washington AC/DC” have shut down our oil and gas pipelines (so there will be no diesel fuel to deliver food to our supermarkets) so those...
cells Review Venom Peptides, Polyphenols and Alkaloids: Are They the Next Antidiabetics That Will Preserve β-Cell Mass and Function in Type 2 Diabetes? Michele Lodato 1, Valérie Plaisance 1, Valérie Pawlowski 1, Maxime Kwapich 1,2, Alexandre Barras 1 , Emeline Buissart 1, Stéphane Dalle...