friends[-1] -> poula friends.append("george") will edit the array and put george as last element in the list you dont have 2D array build in python so you need to make it like that : list=[[t1,t2,t3],[t4,t5,t6],[t7,t8,t9],[t10,t11,t12]] this is a 2D array how ?
On master host Etcd-snapshot-once work max 60s and show only: docker logs --tail=100 -f etcd-snapshot-once time="2019-04-08T12:09:59Z" level=info msg="Initializing Rolling Backups" creation=12h0m0s retention=72h0m0s time="2019-04-08T12:09:59Z" level=info msg="invoking set s3 ...
Gates urged lawmakers to find ways to keep foreign students in the United States, saying if the country is going to invest in educating them, it should also benefit from that investment by encouraging them to work here. He urged the federal government to invest more money in education and tr...
Linda has seen a lot of changes in the lighting market in that time. “For a long time, there were T12s,” she recounts. “Then, with electricity costs going up, we started seeing offices, schools and universities switching from T12 to T8. Manufacturers would increase efficiencies to get...