• The influence of herd immunity through the vaccination of men is likely to be beneficial, but it will have a relatively modest effect on cervical cancer rates compared with the broad vaccination of women. However, trials to evaluate the HPV vaccine in men are ongoing, as men do contract...
The study found that a liquid biopsy test—which identifiestumorDNA circulating in the blood—can help distinguish if a patient'scancerhas spread to just a few tumor sites or spread more widely. This indicator would help physicians determine which type of treatment would be most effective for ea...
If breast cancer is found on your biopsy, the cells will bechecked for certain proteins or genesthat will help the doctors decide how best to treat it. You might also need more tests to find out whether the cancer has spread. What can be mistaken for breast cancer? Things That Can Look...
Currently she is being tested for cancer – seems she may have come out of remission. She has a biopsy scheduled for 4 days before Christmas. She has an elderly mother who is on a rapid decline and needs 24/7 care. Guess who provides that care? She has two grown children who are you...
A novel liquid biopsy test may help determine which patients with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread beyond the lungs are most likely to benefit from targeted, high-dose radiation, rather than drug-based therapy, a new study suggests. Findings we