The Woman in White是Wilkie Collins创作的公版免费书类小说,QQ阅读提供The Woman in White部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供The Woman in White全本在线阅读。
The Woman in White(白衣女人) Wilkie Collins 著 《白衣女人》是威尔基·柯林斯最著名的代表作之一。小说描述家庭教师哈特莱特与女学生劳拉坠入情网,然而,劳拉的父亲临终前却早将女儿许配给了珀西瓦尔爵士。一天晚上,哈特莱特在路上偶遇了一个外貌酷似劳拉的白衣女人,她刚逃出疯人院,并宣称掌握着珀西瓦尔爵士的可怕...
‘And the books are dust and ashes -- and oh, sirs! the church will be dust and ashes soon.’ Those were the only two who spoke. When they were silent again, nothing stirred in the stillness but the bubble and the crackle of the flames. Hark! A harsh rattling sound in the ...
The Woman in White 白衣女人 英文原版侦探小说 全英文版 Wilkie Collins 进口英语书籍 威尔基柯林斯 侦探小说 附词汇注释 经典 作者:Wilkie Collins出版社:HarperCollins出版时间:2018年04月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥29.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并...
The Woman in White 《The Woman in White》是一本图书,作者是 Collins, Wilkie。
The Woman in White By Wilkie Collins (Author) Language : English 劳娜在父亲去世后拥有家族财产的继承权,她年轻美丽而富有,好像是上帝的宠儿,但万贯家财恰恰酿成了她的悲剧人生。她虽然与画师沃尔特·哈特赖特真心相爱,但迫于父亲的遗愿,只好屈嫁给珀西瓦尔·格莱德爵士。
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《The Woman in White白衣女人》,作者:Wilkie Collins 著,出版社:贵州科技出版社。最新《The Woman in White白衣女人》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购《The Woman in White白衣女人》,就上当当网。
The Woman in White is an epistolary novel written by Wilkie Collins in 1859, serialized in 1859–1860, and first published in book form in 1860. It is considered to be among the first mystery novels and is widely regarded as one of the first (and finest) in the genre of 'sensation nov...