The search for its identity leads us across a continent to seek out the people left behind and the meaning of a mysterious tattoo. World Premiere. -- Domestic: Submarine -- Isa: MundialThe Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear / Georgia, Germany (Director: Tinatin Gurchiani♀) — A film...
I don't really get the immediate connection to "Riley" because Wiley takes on a whole new sound/meaning in itself. While searching for unique and cool boy names I came across this one and think its pretty awesome! I predict it will make a comeback :) 评论时间:2015/12/16 Marco...
Helps you present your research in a concise way while retaining your original intended meaning. FREE Upto 10% FREE Upto 20% FREE Upto 20% Reference check Consistency and Accuracy Consistency and Accuracy Consistency and Accuracy Premium Features ...
opens with an broad introductory chapter, which lays out the contested and evolving meaning of security in the contemporary world includes carefully selected further reading suggestions and websites with each entry. Series Dictionaries
In addition, students analyze how writers use figurative language and word choice to convey meaning. A recommended read-aloud of The People Could Fly introduces the topic and the question that connects all three units in the module: What gives stories and poems their enduring power? Students ...
Haiti, though not universally mentioned, serves as a recurring index in the discourses of a significant proportion of the people whom I interviewed. The meaning of that index, however, is not consistent across all of my participants. Examining how these different “orders of indexicality” (cf....
The computer is unable to determine the meaning of a term, which presents problems for tools such as automated reasoners. Reasoners can be of enormous benefit in managing a complex ontology. OBO term names frequently implicitly encode the kind of definitions that can be used by computational ...
it can automatically grasp meaning and context. This enables us to edit even the most technical aspects of your paper with a level of accuracy that closely resembles human editing. Our distinct advantage lies in the fact that our AI technology is specifically tailored for scholarly writing, unlike...
If in doubt, leave unchanged and ask the author for clarification. AMBIGUOUS TEXT When text is ambiguous, the intended meaning is sometimes obvious from the context and rewording is straightforward. If this is not the case, you must query the authors. It is best, if you can, to give them...
As a result, most students’ mastery of English only stays at the stage of word meaning and grammar, but cannot use it skillfully. Driven by the development of the times and the needs of the country, college English teaching in domestic universities has been reformed and innovated, and ...