6. 警惕!2本Hindawi期刊被剔除,EI期刊目录已更新 (附2023全年目录下载)~ 7. Scopus认可度将赶超EI? 究竟哪个含金量更高?(附新增EI/Scopus, 最快20天检索)~ 8.【CCF发表】2区SCI仅1-2个月录用, 最快5天见刊,教育类CNKI仅7天检索! 9. 2022CiteScore正式发布,4本期刊被剔除Scopus数据库 (附各领域顺刊盘...
Wiley计划在2025年中前将Hindawi旗下约200种期刊完全整合到Wiley Online Library,到时Hindawi品牌将成为历...
Speaking of those who are out, there is also Matt Hodgkinson, once head of the integrity team at Hindawi (recently acquired by Wiley). One of his last actions in that capacity was ousting a certainAfshin Davarpanahfrom the editorial board of Geofluids. (Hey reader, on how many editorial b...
IF: impact factor; ESI: Essential Science Indicators; ES: Eigenfactor™ score; AIS: Article Influence Score.✮The average number of citations was rounded to the nearest integer number. ∗JAMA Surgery: the journal name wasArchives of Surgerybefore 2015. Table 5.Authors with two or more...
Increasing the efficiency of coal preparation is the key link of mine production. This study proposed a framework of coal preparation for life cycle based on Building Information Modeling (BIM), in w...
A real-world driving experiment was performed in the Wen-Ma section of the G4217 Rong-Chang Freeway situated in the Sichuan Province to investigate the impact law of the pupil diameter of drivers in tunnel groups on the mountainous freeway. The eye-movement data of drivers were collected, an...
(i.e., highly diluted and will not impact plant growth). In contrast, the application of organic fertilizer “compost” will release acids such as humic acids due to the decomposition of organic matter. In the present study, salinity is attributed to salts in the irrigation water. Although ...
where He is the hash computational power of e, Hk is the hash computational power of k, De is impact factor of the density of ESNs adjacent to e in the network topology, and σ is the factor weight of the impact of time consumption. Due to the time consumption of message propagation ...
The bundle-series initiation is currently used as the method for simultaneously transmitting blast signals from a detonator to a large number of shock tubes for blasting using shock tubes and its ini...