Bugs were really subjective and ESO gets a far worse rap for them than deserved thanks to certain internet personalities. Personally, I didn't run into a single quest-related bug past early access. At this point I've done 100% of DC content and about 50% of AD content and still have ...
The internet is completely overrun with WoW bashers. I find benbos' defense of WoW refreshing, because he kind of is...right...these days it takes balls to defend WoW like he does. The fact remains, WoW is still king for a reason. But I do disagree with his views on Diablo 3. I...
It has come to my attention that I have a problem. I own an immense amount of games through steam and still have nothing to play. Over half of the games I own on steam aren’t even downloaded this is mostly due to my slow internet connection but its partially due to the fact that ...
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