Structure: Best-of-Three matches until four wins or one loss for players with a 3–1 record in Draft One, or two losses for players with a 4–0 record in Draft One Rewards:Day 2, Draft TwoWilds of Eldraine Draft(Best-of-Three)Wins...
EldraineCard Image Gallery to find your new favorite cards, including variant versions and those inthe Commander decks. You can also see all theWilds of Eldrainetokensandart cardsin their own dedicated articles. Learn more about everything in the set with our guide toCollectingWilds of Eldraine ...
These five basic lands can be found in non-foil and traditional foil in Wilds of Eldraine Draft Boosters and Set Boosters, with Collector Boosters always having a traditional foil version. In addition to these full-art basic lands, you can find regular basic lands in Wilds of Eldraine Draft ...
Eldraine is a plane of wonderful chaos and contradictions—your players will be invited to start their own storybook adventure, enveloped in a fantastical fairytale with a twist to break the curse of an endless slumber.Draft Boosters are the ideal booster for drafting. At Booster Draft events, ...
"Under order of His Majesty the High King of Eldraine, stand down!" shouts a woman in the vanguard. Rowan narrows her eyes; the voice is familiar. Is that a wooden arm? Ah—the jet of fire over the heads of the sleepers confirms her suspicions. Imodane. Of course someone that foolish...