Olivia Heath Daily Editor, House Beautiful UK Olivia Heath is the Daily Editor at House Beautiful. Heading up all things digital, Olivia loves nothing more than uncovering tomorrow's biggest design trends and sharing the best decorating tips, small space living solutions, and houseplant care and ...
Coldwater Farm is in a rural area where we get frequent glimpses of wildlife that urban dwellers never see. In early evenings when the moon is full, we often see raccoons, skunks, javelina, rabbits, and foxes foraging for the sunflower seeds we scatter for the birds. Under the last full...
Alaska's State Flower is the "Forget-Me-Not. Forget me not flowers are very fragrant in the evening and night time, though there is little or no scent in the daytime. They can be annual or perennial plants. Their seeds are found in small, tulip shaped pods along the stem to the ...
They are good at that too though – they can distinguish between buckets containing different numbers of sunflower seeds just by sniffing them. This Q&A originally appeared inBBC Wildlife, and was answered byStuart Blackman. Are elephants dangerous?
Children were also given the chance to select some seeds to take home to plant. These were flower, salad and vegetable seeds. Again, I was astounded at how knowledgeable the children were. One boy aged 8 was delighted to find a packet of seeds to grow cucamelons. “I love cucamelons!”...
Common Buzzard The most common raptor in the UK! Common European Adder European adders are the only snake that lives above the Arctic Circle. Common Furniture Beetle The common furniture beetle feeds exclusively on wood Common Green Magpie Magpies are aggressive when threatened, often “dive-bombin...
(fast) at removing carbon than tropical rainforests. Yet seagrass meadows are rapidly disappearing, with over 92% of meadows in the UK7(go). Scientists are collecting seeds and trying to grow new seagrass meadows through restoration8(project). This new discovery offers optimism and proves the ...
The bed at the side of te house, sticks and the beginnings of brave flower bulbs The bed in back, bare except for a lonely boxwood The bed next to the patio.. . .you get the point. Note the rusty stork with an attitude looking over it ...
Pied avocets have been a great conservation success story globally and especially in the UK. A Hottentot teal foraging as it is swimming in the shallow waters of the Marievale waterways. This is a small dabbling duck with a black head and nape and buff-colored cheeks and throat. Its bill...
[EDIT]philipstrangealso suggests this list of bee-friendly plants on Dave Goulson’s web site:http://www.sussex.ac.uk/lifesci/goulsonlab/resources/flowersand singles out pulmonaria “as a must for bee enthusiasts as it attracts the very early Hairy-footed flower bee”. ...