As far as I know, you love animals and have been expecting to do something to protect wildlife.Besides, you're good at drawing.So I hope you can join us in designing a poster for the coming competition.It's a great chance to contribute to wildlife protection and show your creativity. ...
Endangeredanimalsarenottheonlyanimalsthatneedhelpandprotection.Allanimalsneedhelpattimes,suchashomelesspetsorwoundedbirds.Inordertohelpthem,yourwildlifeconservationgroupisgoingtoplanananimalrescuecenterforthem.Pleasemakeaposteraboutanendangeredanimaltoappealtomorepeopletojoinintheactivity. ...
Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mark Deeble and A Wildlife Filmmaker in Africa with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Posted in Northern Kenya | Tagged camel safari, Deeble and Stone, Elephant conservation, elephants, Halvo...