Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mark Deeble and A Wildlife Filmmaker in Africa with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Posted in Northern Kenya | Tagged camel safari, Deeble and Stone, Elephant conservation, elephants, Halvo...
Endangeredanimalsarenottheonlyanimalsthatneedhelpandprotection.Allanimalsneedhelpattimes,suchashomelesspetsorwoundedbirds.Inordertohelpthem,yourwildlifeconservationgroupisgoingtoplanananimalrescuecenterforthem.Pleasemakeaposteraboutanendangeredanimaltoappealtomorepeopletojoinintheactivity. ...
of Environmental DNA in Biomonitoring Across Multiple Trophic LevelsApplications on Environmental DNA in Aquatic Ecology and BiodiversityAppraisal of Approaches for the Management of Biodiversity and Life Support SystemsAquatic Biodiversity Conservation, Aquatic Natural Resources and ManagementAquatic Biodiversity: ...
The illegal wildlife trade is resulting in worldwide biodiversity loss and species’ extinction. It should be exposed so that the problems of conservation caused by it can be highlighted and resolutions can be found. Social media is an effective method of information dissemination, providing a real...