Welcome ToWildlife Destination India INDIA: A country with more than 400 species of mammals alone and no less than 615 protected areas. Even 90 % of India is carpeted with Forest, 501 wildlife sanctuary 92 national parks and 27 tiger reserves and The only country in the world that's home...
I am still writing, when asked, forConservation Gardener, the magazine of theNC Botanical Garden. I’ll be donating two articles to their upcoming spring edition. Bloodroots I also give a lot of my time to mentoring. Being able to share some of what I’ve learned is deeply gratifying. I...
People aren’t the only ones you can help as you volunteer abroad –animals also benefit from medical attention and environmental conservation from various volunteer programs. Volunteering with animals and conservation is an amazing way to travel the world and make a positive impact every place you...
First should realize the importance of protecting endangered animals, to protect endangered animals and habitats, to promote the wildlife conservation and management of the laws and regulations. Second is to use the source of the endangered animals and do not eat,no, not keeping the source of the...
2018. An update of the breeding population status of the critically endangered Mariana Crow Corvus kubaryi on Rota, Northern Mariana Islands 2013—2014.Bird Conservation International 28:416—422. Morton JM, Plentovich S, Sharp T. 1999. Reproduction and juvenile dispersal of Mariana Crows on ...
Bird Species of Conservation Concern,birds,wildlife,wildlife photography Miguel and I had the fortune to spend a couple of cold, fun and somewhat successful afternoons photographing eagles at the Clarksville lock and dam over the last couple of weeks. I really enjoyed the variety of ages of these...
Celebrating the biodiversity of Planet Earth, we promote wildlife conservation and condemn wildlife crime.
So we create wildlife rehabilitation centers, sanctuary’s and other well named establishments. A noble attempt to undo the damage our lust/need for consumerism imparts on the world. Yet, to fund such attempts at conservation we often embrace the hugely profitable tourism sector. Something that ...
The Kingdom of Thailand is truly a remarkable place, and its biodiversity second to none. It is hoped the Thai people will make wildlife conservation a top priority. More emphasis should be placed on protecting the remaining wilderness areas and creatures living within. As the human population ...
Search terms used were Ecology: “urban ecology”; Conservation: “urban conservation”; Conflict: “human-wildlife conflict”; and Urban conflict: “urban + “human-wildlife conflict””. Urban Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers (WRCs) A growing number of studies report on WRCs, which provide ...