Michigan Wildflowers - Spring Collection 4 (l-r)Cornus sericea(Red Twig Dogwood),Iris versicolor(Northern Blue Flag),Actaea pachypoda(White Baneberry),Meehania cordata(Meehan's Mint),Mitella diphylla(Bishop's Cap),Phlox divartica(Woodland Phlox) ...
•207 Sedges •169 Shrubs •98 Trees Each profile contains a detailed description with insight into how species are distinguished from similar species, a distribution map for Minnesota, a table of traits and general info, and images. A complete list of plants that are known to occur in ...
Who is Dan Jones? Dan is a lifelong gardener, having been raised on a 5th generation working farm. He holds aMichigan State University Bachelor of Science degree in Landscape Horticulture. His solid sense of design has transformed existing landscapes and created new installations since the 1980s....
Michigan Wildflowers - Spring Collection 4 (l-r)Cornus sericea(Red Twig Dogwood),Iris versicolor(Northern Blue Flag),Actaea pachypoda(White Baneberry),Meehania cordata(Meehan's Mint),Mitella diphylla(Bishop's Cap),Phlox divartica(Woodland Phlox) ...