Bowl-shaped cups about 1 in., covered with webbed hairs; short spines at bract tips. Grows in moist deep soils of meadows, forests, or along ridges. Stems edible when peeled. Native. On to Next Flower ⇨ Hi-Res Pic (80K) Hi-Res Pic Flower (111K) Return to Thumb Page 83 ...
The Tiger Lily, or Oregon Lily, is a beautiful Western wildflower bearing a chandelier of yellow flowers with brown freckles, and a sweet, edible bulb. NOTE: Our native lillies naturally go dormant by June or July of each year. If you order them after that time, you'll have to wait un...
I’ve seen purple sage,Salvia dorrii, in various high desert locations in eastern Oregon. Gray Butte, just northeast of Smith Rock, is a great place to see this native shrub in full bloom. Continue reading→ Share this: More Last week we visitedGlass Buttesto collect obsidian and many wi...
Posted inWing's Words|TaggedBraiding Sweetgrass,fitness,gardening,Gathering Moss,native wildflowers,naturalist,nature,outdoor life,Robin Kimmerer,San Juan Islands,Washington wildflowers,Wildflowers|2Replies Reading Weeds, Part III: Roadside Roses I Don’t Deserve…But Thank You Anyway Posted onJune 9,...
Oregon, and northern California. Every plant pictured is identified by Latin and common name. Powerful search tools make it easy to find just the photograph or species you want, whether it's a native plant or an introduced weed. High resolution digital files are available for reproduction upon...
Oregon. Each of the 1289 plants profiled has multiple photographs, distribution maps, and a detailed description. The majority of species included are native, and introduced species common to the region are also covered. Plant hunters can use the app to identify species in all ten of Oregon’...
Oregon Stater, Winter, 2017, OSU Alumni Association Great Oregon gardening app points out native plants -- "If you want to learn which plants are native to the Willamette Valley, I suggest you get the Oregon Wildflowers app." read more... Salem Statesman Journal, June 8, 2016, by Carol...
The majority of species included are native, and introduced species common to the region are also covered. Plant hunters can use the app to identify species in all ten of Oregon’s diverse ecoregions. Users can browse through the stunning photographs of plants organized by common name, ...
Rarity:Common Flowering Time:Late Spring-Mid Summer Life Cycle:Annual Height:1--6 feet Habitat:Meadow, West-Side Forest, East-Side Forest, Disturbed, Shrub-Steppe Found In:Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np Native:Yes
Using the seeds, the researchers were able to sequence the genome of each individual flower. Then they returned to Oregon and planted the sequenced seeds on the same mountain where they were originally collected. The team monitored each of the seedlings over the course of two years, measuring ...