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Wildflower Seeds Groundcover Plant Calculator Enter the square footage of the area to be planted then tab to the next box: Enter your choice of spacing for groundcovers - 8, 12, or 18 inches apart: inches Calculate Fragrant Wildflower Seed Blend - New!
Also, wildflowers are free flowers; they thrive wherever their seeds and pollen are taken by the wind. Like them, let us allow life to take us where we’re meant to go. Don’t be inhibited by fear of moving outside of your comfort zone because beyond that is where our lives would t...
one growing where it is unwanted. Sunflowers are looked upon as weeds when growing in cultivated fields or on grazing land of theGreat Plainsof North America but as wildflowers in uncultivated valleys. The sunflower also is a crop plant cultivated for its seeds; in some places it is a gard...
Its spikes of whitish to magenta flowers, which grow up to 1.5 m (5 feet) high, can be a spectacular sight on prairies of the temperate zone. Like those of many weedy plants, its seeds can lie dormant for many years, awaiting the warmth necessary for germination. Fireweed is one of ...