Leona, arguably one of the most powerful supports in League of Legends has finally arrived to Wild Rift! I couldn't be happier...
Once your friend accepts your invitation to become a close friend, you will be able to increase your friendship level up to 4 different tiers by playing together and gifting each other. You can also browse a timeline of your memories together while playing Wild Rift. Some of the other perks...
There will always be a place and a desire for you to test your mettle on the classic Summoner’s Rift experience. This is the legacy of what makes Wild Rift amazing, and we don’t have plans to upend and throw all of this away. Expect us to always keep tuning and improving the Summ...
Com uma risada maníaca, o Chili Imortal chega ao mundo em uma Nuvem Picante e derrama sua magia selvagem: pimentas bizarras e flamejantes começam a crescer em todo o Rift! Com isso, eis seu decreto: de agora em diante, o sabor picante dominará todos os outros sabores. Isso ...
New Rift, New champion, New skins, New items. Whatever you’re looking for, we got it with patch 5.2!
Rift Herald/Baron Nashor kill stacks:12 Dragon kill stacks:35 SINGED Singed has been a powerful pick for a while, but the recent buffs to Rylai’s have pushed him over the edge and into overpowered territory. His new found power also put him into the spotlight in both ranked and organize...
Based on the total times you reached Master and above in Ranked or Immortal and above in Legendary Ranked, additional visual effects will be added to the display effects for the tiers. The icons for the highest tier you've ever achieved and your tier in the current season at the bottom ri...
Based on the total times you reached Master and above in Ranked or Immortal and above in Legendary Ranked, additional visual effects will be added to the display effects for the tiers. The icons for the highest tier you've ever achieved and your tier in the current season at the bottom ri...