additem('Onion')additem('Pear')additem('Pepper')additem('Plum')additem('Pork')additem('Potatoes')additem('Raspberries')additem('Raspberry juice')additem('Raw meat')additem('Redanian Herbal')additem('Redanian Lager')additem('Rivian Kriek')...
you can make a batter by mixing all the ingredients together. Mix half batter and half flowers, and then sauté in oil to make “flower pancakes.” You can use this recipe to make fiddlehead, blue elder flower, big leaf maple flower, wild onion flower or fireweed shoot fritters. ...
White people like If it turns out it’s something they really don’t like, they can feel proud of themselves, knowing they’re above the fray of all those “other” stupid white people, you know, like the ones who like coffee. WHAT, coffee? If it’s somethin...