Wild lettuce—particularly Lactuca virosa—was introduced in the U.S. as a health-supporting botanical as early as the 18th century and was added to the United States Pharmacopoeia (a compendium of drug information that is published annually) in 1898 for use in lozenges, tinctures, and syrups...
It is one of those wild edible greens, like miners lettuce that, according to a number ofstudies, is known to contain higher levels of omega fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) and gamma-linolenic acid. Wild purslane is freshly harvested in East Mediterranean countries where...
Wild Lettuce The concentrated latex is used as a herbal pain remedy often compared to opium but is very weak.Read more... Wild Quinine Wild Quinine herb has been commonly sold as Echinacea purpurea for more than 50 years and seems to have the same benefits.Read more... ...
Learn more about some popular favorites, like miner's lettuce, chickweed, dandelion, mallow, purslane, fennel, watercress and more in the links below.2) Wild Herbs Our definition of a wild herb is an herbal plant material that needs to be prepared as a tea, tinctured or dried and powdered...
Burdock roots can be cooked like a spring vegetable, and are commonly added to stir-fries. I prefer to make an anti-inflammatoryburdock tincture, which has been really helpful a few times when I was sick. Later in the season,burdock leaves and flower stalks are also edible, and I think...