House Plants £30 The Spring Garden Basket House Plants £35 The Citrus Tree House Plants (45) £41 See our full collection Not finding what you want? We’ve got plenty of other options for you to choose from. Shop all The Peace Lily ...
The meaning of WILD GARDEN is a garden in which colonies of hardy wild and garden plants are naturalized in position where they will appear to be growing naturally.
Sending flowers to UK UK Flowers "These were sent to a dear friend who was delighted with them. The idea of the bulbs being left on the tulips was lovely and they will be planted in the garden. A gift that keeps on giving."
(How I met the garden's master) Once upon an autumn weekend (I think it was around 1995), a fellow gardener and I planned to visit a nursery close to Salem, Oregon. I'd found a small ad in the local newspaper's classifieds offering native plants for sale. The idea of including nat... - Inspiration for Your Garden | GARDENS PLANTSYou are not logged in.atlasAtlas Pages 1 2 3 4 | Flora A-Z Marsh Cinquefoil - Comarum palustre Synonyms: Comarum palustris, Potentilla palustris, Fragaria palustris Other names: Purple marshlocks, Swamp Cinquefoil Family: ...
UK. All our seed is sourced in the United Kingdom and unless otherwise stated is of Native UK provenance. Our products are suitable for habitat restoration and throughout the year it is possible to purchase wildflowers for almost every situation, from small garden "mini-meadows" to large-...
Our swim sessions had to be delayed for an hour to ensure that the thunder and lightening had cleared. I did find a slightly bedraggled wren, hiding in an elder bush, while I was looking for suitable plants to photograph for this project. If only it had braved the light! Still, it was...
Alocasia also known as the "elephant ear" plant is a common house plant or garden plant. These plants are toxic to dogs and fatal if not treated right away. If a dog eats or ingest any part of an alocasia plant the initial symptom is your dog will have trouble breathing. These plants...
"I found some shrooms growing in my garden and thought of them to be a nice tasty treat, low and behold after using your website I found them to be poisonous and can be deadly if eaten! Luckily I did not use them before checking. Thank you for probably saving 2 lives, at least!!
- Conservation conscious – this book introduces children to the natural environment around them and encourages them to preserve the planet's plants and wildlife. - Great gift – an absolute must-have for children who love nature and the outdoors and for parents who want to learn at the same...