Hunting for Goodyera repens (Creeping Ladies-tresses) which we found in large numbers, there were quite a few interesting fungi of which this was one. It was immediately identified by one of our group as the Orange-cap Bolete and turns out to be one of the edible and by reputation ...
Geoffrey Kibby
Bird’s nest fungi are saprobic, meaning they feed on decomposing material, like wood, mulch, leaves, and the like. When they land on suitable organic material, they attach to it. It is thought that herbivore mammals that eat organic matter with bird’s nest fungi attached spread the fungu...
British, European wildflowers, wild orchids, fungi, wildlife identification: books, birds, insects, fish, trees, flowers, reptiles, amphibians; nature reserves
Edible fungi including wild mushrooms have been largely neglected and underutilized in Africa. Not only is the number of edible species unknown, but the critical role they play in human food and nutrition and the ecosystem services they provide have rema
(including all the species of fungi) can still be found in markets, which demonstrate Lao cuisine’s great resistance to change. We did detect some identification mistakes in Phia Sing’s book: the plant listed asmak deedis notArdisia crispa, butSolanum spiraleRoxb.,phak tam ling/phak tam ...
Some of the best fungi identification guidebooks aren’t especially interested in wild food – and some have no information on edibility at all. On the other hand, most fungi guides that are focussed on eating wild mushrooms tend to have limited coverage of very common, but inedible, species...
The excellent website ofButterfly Conservation, the UK’s leading charity, has good identification pages for both butterflies and moths as well as a host of other information. Better still, get out into the garden or countryside armed with camera and ID sheets. Good butterflying!
Identification of Non-Pseudomonad Bacteria from Fruit Bodies of Wild Agaricales Fungi That Detoxify Tolaasin Produced by Pseudomonas tolaasii doi:10.1271/bbb.66.2201Bioscience, Biotechnology & BiochemistryTSUKAMOTO, TakanoriMURATA, HitoshiSHIRATA, Akira...
Oxalis martini – Gin and vermouth muddled with wood sorrel then strained and garnished with (cultivated) purple shamrock (Oxalis triangularis) Browse more wild foods: Edible Wild Plants Edible Wild Fungi