You know we’ve had wildfires that impacted large wilderness areas — many of which I toured in 2017 (like Santiago Regional Park and Irvine Regional Park). That’s why it’s especially important to stay on trails as these areas recover from the fires. You cansearch Irvine Ranch Natural La...
Check out our October newsletter, where we discuss our recent Townhall, an update on Community Playtesting, and more. Slide 3 of 3. THE universe Champions fromacross the galaxyassemble decks of collectible cards, summoning unique companion creatures and harnessing their strengths indramatic clashes...
This last June I was exploring a drainage that burned in the 1988 Yellowstone fires. There’s no trail but I’ve encountered coyotes denning farther up the draw; a place I like to go and investigate. The northeast side of the draw is filling in fast with a thick cover of young lodgepol...
But, as Cox points out to me again, “just because one bighorn gets one Mycoplasma strain doesn’t mean the next strain that comes along won’t be worse. There is no immunity that’s generated from one to the other.” Hells Canyon Test and Remove update 2020. Presentation WSWG Disease ...
I expected that we might see some different birds at Rietvlei following the fires last month, as well as some early summer migrants, and on both scores I was not disappointed. The number of species I’ve now recorded at Rietvlei since February has swollen to 148....
These weeks have been busy for me, as I’ve managed to make a string of six new patterns in a relatively short space~~ Altitude Cowls and Mitts (the last being theTwist Mitts) Its time for walks shuffling through rustling leaves, fires in the wood-stove, and the kettle whistling as mu...
Click event fires on browser refresh Clicking an ASP.NET button using JavaScript Client download .csv file from server using Response.TransmitFile client side changing value of an asp:label Client-side handling of a Textbox TextChanged event Close a web page in Close child windows when ...
If you’d like to join me on a guided tour of Rietvlei – on a hike or on an open vehicle drive – you can book through / +27(0)74-820-9926. I’ve dedicated this post to the scavenger animals and birds we encountered while touring the Kruger National ...
I kept walking and the street began to take on a market feel, vendors selling stuff for the upcoming Holi Festival, as well as food, deep fried breads, soup and tea. It all smelled quite good, once you got past the fact that all the heat for cooking was coming from fires fueled by...
The mqtt service fires off a publish on a topic, creating a new connection to the configured broker for each message.Consider the following configuration snippets:[config:mqtt] hostname = 'localhost' port = 1883 qos = 0 retain = False username = "jane" password = "secret" targets = { '...