Our Hedgerow Guide aims to help you forage for British plants that are relatively common in the wild, easy to find and good to eat – and to avoid those that are inedible or poisonous. Never rely on one source for plant identification, and never eat anything unless you are 100% sure it...
Cattail Seed Head The immature sword-like, pointed leaves, with parallel veins, resemble other wetland plants, but last year's stalks provide positive identification. Cattail Shoot By late spring, the light green leaves reach nearly nine feet tall, forming a sheath where they tightly embrace th...
this is not an identification guide. It’s a jumping-off point, to help open your eyes to the abundance of wild fruit available. Please do your own research to make sure you can positively ID each plant species before attempting to consume any wild berries, and know that there are...
That depends on whether you're talking about wild parrots (which we are here) or tame ones. There haven't been many successful studies of parrots in the wild. They're notoriously good at pulling off any identification tags or trackers. In the wild, the huge macaw parrots can live up to...
Phylogenetic relationships between theCitrullusaccessions were inferred using 89,914 SNPs at fourfold degenerate sites. The placement of the seven species in the phylogenetic tree (Fig.1b) was largely consistent with the previously reported phylogeny4,5, with the most morphologically distinctCitrullusspeci...
Identification – 4/5– Key identification features are the light to chestnut brown smooth cap with a white rim and often a hazy pale ‘bloom’. Ensure the stipe is pale with a slightly raised white net pattern (reticulum) on the top third. As a member of the bolete group of mushrooms,...
We report a transcriptome resource that includes data for a wide range of berry(-like) fruit species that has been developed for gene identification and functional analysis to assist in berry fruit improvement. These resources will enable investigations of metabolic processes in berries beyond the phe...
Use the young leaves raw in salads, or cooked in soups, in mixed cooked greens, or in any dish that calls for cooking greens. Goosetongue is best in spring and early summer before the flowers appear. Goosetongue can be confused with poisonous Arrowgrass, so careful identification is essentia...
Identification: Are you sure? The importance of correct identification May-June 2010 Vol 8, Issue 3 Trilliums: Time for nNative Easter lilies--woodland garden treasures Wally’s Trilliums: Short article and a poem written by our garden’s master, Wally Hansen ...
Seeds Neededwith photos and links to identification keys. Resourcesfor becoming a further informed advocate. Blogfor the coordinator to periodically post updates. Thanks for being part of the solution! Contact: Jane Sorensen, project coordinator ...