Edible Parts Leaves, flowers and fruit are edible. The fruit is often hard to find as they are a tasty treat for wildlife. Many say that the taste of the wild strawberry is by far superior to the cultivated berry due to its sweet flavour. Leaves can be used in teas, salads, or in ...
- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc. * TIME - flowering, ripening, harvesting, etc. QUIZ GAME * Guess species from pictures * Learn to distinguish different species NATURE MOBILE on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/naturemobile ...
Each herb, green, shoot, fruit, berry, nut, seed, root, or seaweed listed contains detailed identification info, a checklist of critical features, scientific and common names, parts used, food uses, seasons, range, habitat, poisonous and non-poisonous look-alikes, related species, cautions, ...
46. Bearberry Bearberry Bearberries (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) can be found during the summer months in Colorado in woodlands, montane, and alpine areas. The plant spreads from its woody branches, creating mats. The stems are twelve centimeters high with dark green leaves and pink-to-white flow...
The site has a blog with few posts, some pictures for identification, and information on preparation with lots of pictures. Midwest Horn Farm Center in York, PA has Foraging for Wild Edibles Classes. There is also an intensive Foraging Course with Jonathan Darby. Jen D. in Bridgeville,...
This paper proposes an appropriate detection approach based on a deep learning methodology to accomplish fast and effective detection and localization of fig fruits in complicated environmental pictures, e.g., in the wild. A dataset is manually created by first taking pictures of fig fruits in thei...
Thimbleberry(Rubus parviflorus and R. odoratus) Witherod or Northern Wild Raisin(Viburnum cassinoides or V. nudum) (Keep in mind, while there are pictures and descriptions of each edible wild berry species, this is not an identification guide. It’s a jumping-off point, to help open your...
Blue bead lily is a perennial plant that is a member of the Liliaceae family. This boreal plant also known by many names such as: Blue Bead Lily, Clintonia, Clinton’s Lily, Corn Lily, Snakeberry, Dogberry, and Cow Tongue. Bluebead was named after DeWitt Clinton (1769-1828), naturalis...
This site is about bird watching. Learn how to identify and understand birds at All-Birds. Attract favorites to your backyard with feeders. Identification tips, photographs and pictures, songs and calls, and more can be found here. You will find information about bird watching books and guides...
it is interesting to study the genes encoding the silk proteins of wild silkmoths and compare them with those of mulberry silkmoth, and d) Information on immune response genes in these species can throw light on diversity of immune repertoir in these moths and may lead to identification of ...