Farm Store:Open Monday thru Friday, 10 am–6 pm; Saturdays by appointment. Deliveries to Springfield, MO by arrangement. Please visit our web-site for more information. Farmers Markets:Farmers’ Market of the Ozarks,Saturdays, 8:00am to 1:00pm in Springfield, MO at Farmers Park (Republic ...
We practice ranching that is better for the cattle, better for you, and better for the planet, and provide the highest levels of ethical and humane animal treatment. We also focus on soil health and how to reverse climate change through regenerative ranching. Our cattle graze on the lush gra...
We have worked for many years to adopt soil-improving practices such as no-till, buffer strips, and cover crops on our family farm in Cambridge, Illinois. Now we are bringing livestock back to the land in the way God designed the soil-plant-animal system to work. We believe that soil ...
They will either tunnel into soft pithy centers of twigs, such as box elder, elderberry, or various cane berries; borrow into wood, in the case of carpenter bees, or find a cavity made by another animal, such as a wood-boring beetle larvae. A small but important group of bees tunnel ...