NPTESTS /ONESAMPLE TEST (收入) WILCOXON(TESTVALUE=10000) /MISSING SCOPE=ANALYSIS USERMISSING=EXCLUDE /CRITERIA ALPHA=0.05 CILEVEL=95. 四、结果解读 单样本秩和检验有两张表格和两张图。 第一,假设检验摘要 可以看出p=0.000<0.001,拒绝原假设。 在这里插入图片描述 第二,Wilcoxon符号检验结果摘要。 在...
Select‘Compare median to hypothesized (Wilcoxon signed rank test)’. Enter the value of the‘Hypothesized median’and click‘Run’. For more information, see
至此,我们已通过jamovi、SPSS、Stata、R和SAS演示了“单样本Wilcoxon符号秩检验(One Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test)”的实现过程。后期,我们将持续推出其他统计学方法的理论及软件操作系列文章,敬请关注!
《小白爱上SPSS》课程 #统计原理 配对样本的秩和检验 配对样本的秩和检验是指在总体分布未知的情况下,推断两个相关样本所在总体分布是否有差异,常用Wilcoxon检验(符号秩检验),也称为配对设计的符号秩和检验。 配对样本的秩和检验是Wilcoxon提出的,该方法用于推断总体中位数是否等于某个特定值(详见第十一讲:单样本秩...
秩转换的非参数检验主要包括单个样本中位数和总体中位数比较的单样本Wilcoxon符号秩检验(One Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test)、两个独立样本比较的Wilcoxon秩和检验 (Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test)、配对样本差值的中位数和0比较的配对样本W...
设置好检验的数据对(Test Pairs:HgL vs HgS),点击【Ok】输出统计结果。 3. 结果解读 经上述菜单操作,默认输出(SPSS 23 64位)的统计结果中包括2个统计表: 图5-1-3 Wilcoxon符号秩检验的结果显示,在空气采样结束后,两种不同的保存时间(120h vs 4h)汞含量的测定结果,差异没有统计学意义(T=25,P=0.799T=25...
Wilcoxon Two-Sample Test Statistic 48.0000 Normal Approximation Z -2.0479 One-Sided Pr < Z 0.0203 Two-Sided Pr > |Z|0.0406 t Approximation One-Sided Pr < Z 0.0292 Two-Sided Pr > |Z| 0.0585 Z includes a continuity correction of 0.5. 由SAS软件输出结果可以看出,精确双尾P值为0.0406<α=0.05...
It uses a Chi-Square test of significance.We select Wilcoxon to calculate the Wilcoxon signed rank test.If the values in the sample are not already ranked. SPSS will sort the observations according to the test variable and assign ranks to each observation, correcting for tied observ...
Note: If you only have one sample, calculate the differences between eachvariableand zero (the hypothesized median) instead of the difference between pairs. Step 2:Place the differences in order (column 2 in the picture below), and then rank them. Ignore the sign when placing in rank order...