See also: Television in the United Kingdom British sitcoms, like their American counterparts, often revolve around a core group of characters who interact in a recurring setting, such as a family, workplace, or institution. However, British sitcoms typically consist of shorter series, often six...
Ho is the grandnephew of the Kuomintang veteran He Yingqin and worked at Solomon Brothers Hong Kong Asia Pacific Investment as the Vice President of the Banking Department. The two have never planned to have children. Until 2010, Wan and her husband adopted an orphan who was abandoned in a...
the most thrilling experiences of my life. it gave me a buzz to see my career laid out in the familiar, neutral white-and-black of wikipedia, and phrased in dry, encyclopedic tones such as, “mcmillen grew up in the southern queensland, australia city of bundaberg with a father who ...
In October 2006, Wikipedia was the largest volunteer-run on-line encyclopedia which could be freely read and edited by anyone with internet access. Within almost six years of its founding in 2001, the project had attracted hundreds of thousands of editors who had written over 1.2 million ...
Or is someone really going to argue that the person who this year created the Wiki page onWest Bank Bantustans, just accidently deleted comments about anti-Jewish riots on the Nebi Musa page? A few other edits – In the page on the1929 Palestine‘riots’ (if this was the other way aro...
But a depressing amount of it full of people repeating the same canards as if they are being original, and I’m not even allowed to block them because technically they haven’t done anything wrong (well, apart from the ones who have tried to move it back in a technically incompetent ...
"To say I'm proud of it, no, I'm not," Anselmo later admitted toRevolverofPower Metal, looking back on the album. "But to say that we as a band were still trying discover who the fuck we were and what we could do, that's very evident. I did the best I could, and I think...
and arm them with misinformation. It's time for the stunts to end and those who claim to care about rogue website theft to back up their rhetoric and work with us on meaningful solutions." This is the same RIAA that sued their own customers with extortionate "settlement" letters remember....
the now massive online encyclopedia, which can still be edited by anyone and remains an ad-free nonprofit, provides easy access to information to people who need answers to some of life’s most important, challenging, and difficult questions. It’s also still a great way to kill a few hour...
As I mentioned before, there is a correlation between breaking news and Wikipedia edits in rapid succession. Wikipedia Live Monitor is a nice web app which is designed to alert anyone who cares about what's breaking in Wikipedia. That usually says something about what's breaking on the web....