“波兰武装力量”(The Polish Armed Forces/ Polska Siła Zbrojna/ Polnische Wehrmacht)是一支创建于一战期间的军队。该军队的创建基础是波兰辅助军团(Polish Auxiliary Crops,也叫‘波兰军团’[Polish Legions]),该军团司令为毕苏斯基,波兰人对该军团的控制力相对更大。在普鲁士的“中欧罗巴”(Mitteleuropa)计划中...
奥库利茨基于1941年1月遭NKVD逮捕,之后被囚禁于多座苏联监狱,曾遭受酷刑。 1941年的《西科尔斯基-麦斯基协定》(Sikorski-Mayski Agreement)签署之后,奥库利茨基获释,加入组建于苏联的“波兰在东方武装力量”(Polskie Siły Zbrojne na Wschodzie/ Polish Armed Forces in the East),担任参谋长。 在短暂担任波兰第7步...
1943年7月4日,波兰流亡政府总理、西方国家波兰武装力量(Polish Armed Forces in the West)总司令瓦迪斯瓦夫·西科尔斯基(Władysław Sikorski)将军在视察过地中海战区的波军后,在返回英国途中坠机于直布罗陀,全员只有一名机组成员生还。西科尔斯基一直希望与苏方合作,直到德方在1943年4月于俄罗斯斯摩棱斯克附近的卡廷...
Further embarrassing facts about Soviet history were revealed in April, when the government admitted that the NKVD had carried out the infamous Katyn Massacre of Polish army officers during World War II; previously, the USSR had blamed Nazi Germany. More significantly for Gorbachev's position, ...
However, the Nazi sneak attack and subsequent invasion on the Soviet Union in 1941 has remained a vital lesson for the Soviet armed forces ever since.[citation needed] Oleg Gordievsky, the highest-ranking KGB official ever to defect, suspected that it was born of the increased "Soviet ...
Aftershocks reached Ireland in the 1798 rising, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and in the Netherlands.[73] The Revolution had a strong, immediate impact in Great Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, and France. Many British and Irish Whigs spoke in favor of the American cause. The ...
World War Two, the infamous UDBA)[13]was only answerable toJosip Broz Tito. Aleksandar Rankovic played a major role in these executions and the only person who could give Rankovic such an order was Tito. The executions have some similarity to the Soviet Purges and the massacre of Polish ...
1940年末英方开始将装甲列车移交给参与西方作战的波兰军队(Polish Armed Forces in the West),他们一直负责操作这些列车到1942年。后来,英方在苏格兰继续使用装甲列车,指派国民军(Home Guard)人员操作,最后一列在1944年11月退出现役。这些列车中的一节六磅炮车厢现保存于博文顿坦克博物馆。还曾有一列小型装甲列车在...
9月8-9日夜间,在第12步兵师兵败后,他身着便装逃到家乡克拉科夫。他在去往法国途中被截停在斯洛伐克边境。1939年10月,他遭到拘留,但在几周后逃出拘留营,经匈牙利进入法国,加入新组建的“波兰在西方武装力量”(Polskie Siły Zbrojne na Zachodzie/ Polish Armed Forces in the West)。
After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Su-15 was abruptly retired from the new Russian Air Force in 1993 to comply with the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe. Most were hastily scrapped in favour of more advanced interceptors, including the Su-27 and MiG-31, but some are in...