Additions on October 4, 2005 introduced romanticised descriptions of Vikings as ‘tall, savage, and war-like’ and ‘wandering raiders and mercenaries.’Footnote39An uncited claim that ‘the system of “feudalism” in Europe, which included castles and barons (and was a defence against Viking r...
Outside South Asia, it is spoken by large numbers of migrant South Asian workers in the major urban centres of the Persian Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia. Urdu is also spoken by large numbers of immigrants and their children in the major urban centres of the United Kingdom, the United Sta...
nearly unique in providing accurate insights into what the ancient world knew about the lands around the Indian Ocean. Although Erythraean Sea (Greek: Ἐρυθρά Θάλασσα) literally means Red Sea, to the Greeks it included the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. Overview The ...