On the Visualized Modeling (Designer) page, click the Preset Templates tab, select Business Area from the drop-down list, and then click the Large Language Model (LLM) tab. Find the LLM Data Processing-Wikipedia (Web Text Data) template and click Create. Configure the pipeline parameters and...
This experiment shows that a male butterfly will ignore a living female butterfly of his own species in favor of a painted cardboard one if the cardboard one is bigger than he is—bigger than any female butterfly ever could be. After an experimental bio-weapon is released, turning thousand...
lookpa.remove(item)try:forpageinwikipedia.page(item).links:ifpagenotinlookpa:ifpagenotinlookna: lookpa.append(page)exceptwikipedia.exceptions.PageError:passexceptwikipedia.exceptions.DisambiguationError:passexceptKeyError:passprint('Corpus = '+ str(len(corpus)) +' Searched = '+ str(len(lookna)) ...
This page describes the process of obtaining and processing Wikipedia, so that anyone can reproduce the results. It is assumed you have gensim properly installed.Preparing the corpus First, download the dump of all Wikipedia articles from http://download.wikimedia.org/enwiki/ (you want the file...
See gensim.scripts.make_wiki for a canned (example) command-line script based on this module.gensim.corpora.wikicorpus.ARTICLE_MIN_WORDS = 50 Ignore shorter articles (after full preprocessing).gensim.corpora.wikicorpus.IGNORED_NAMESPACES = ['Wikipedia', 'Category', 'File', 'Portal', 'Template...
Context opening - possibility to open included page, template, function by inline context. Configurator - visual configuration of important settings. Screenshot using the Mediawiker_Dark color scheme External dependencies (with modifications or not) ...
Wikipedia-IPA for English
我们知道目前的预训练语言模型的分词有两种,一种是以BERT系列为代表的word piece,另一种是以RoBERTa系列为代表的BPE,它们的本质都是将英文单词拆分为若干token,例如“learning”可以被分解为两个token,即“learn”和“###ing”。传统的预训练完全基于token的MLM,而基于实体层面的mask策略,则需要确保实体对应的所有...
Transclusion is a word coined by Ted Nelson in his book "Literary Machines" [14] and in the context of Wikitext refers to the textual inclusion of another page, often called a template, into the page which is currently being rendered. The whole process works similar to macro expansion in...
You can launch goldendict from terminal redirecting its standard and error output to a file, navigate to the page with missing images, then search for errors in the file. There will be plenty of debug output there unfortunately, but hopefully you'll spot an error. ...