Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson of Coil directed a performance video for "Wish," but the most infamous video made for the album was "Happiness in Slavery". The latter video was almost universally banned for its graphic depiction of performance artist Bob Flanagan stripping naked and lying on a ma...
An Overview and Critique of US Immigration and Asylum Policies in the Trump Era, By Paul Wickham Schmidt Georgetown Law WISHIN’ & HOPIN’ WON’T MAKE IT SO: THE LAW IS NO LONGER SUPREME IN AMERICA — Obviously, Trump Has Placed Himself Above It, With Little Pushback From Congress Or A...
Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson of Coil directed a performance video for "Wish," but the most infamous video made for the album was "Happiness in Slavery". The latter video was almost universally banned for its graphic depiction of performance artist Bob Flanagan stripping naked and lying on a ma...
As one of the most popular websites on the planet, Wiki is therefore a builder and protector of paradigms. Even amongst those who won’t use it as a primary source, there is a growing habit of turning to it as a collector of further resource material. This holds true for academia too....
In reality, Wikipedia is a deliberately verkakte architecture for knowledge, and the Wikimedia Foundation knows it. But they perpetuate this architecture because they know it is an addictive one to weak-minded individuals who think they are "helping" the world by staying on top of the bullshit...
... docile but irresponsible, loyal but lazy, humble but chronically given to lying and stealing; his behavior full of infantile silliness and his talk inflated with childish exaggeration. His relationship with his master was one of utter dependence and childlike attachment: it was indeed this chi...
Language, history, truth – all of it is under attack from one of the most popular websites in the world. And along with antisemitism, it has a distinct anti-western feel. There is apagefor ‘Criticism of the US Government’, but there does not seem to be one for Iran, Russia, Chi...
Especially the AboutUs parser is promising in its ability to cope with Wikitext syntax, but does not produce an intermediate representation like an AST. 3. WIKITEXT AND MEDIAWIKI The MediaWiki software grew over many years out of Clif- ford Adams' UseMod wiki [20], which was the first ...
Monsanto’s development of perhaps the most dispersed poison on the planet, and knowingly lying about its health risks is perfectly in keeping with its overarching character. This is the same company that gave us DDT, Agent Orange, PCBs, aspartame, and bio-engineered bovine growth hormone for ...
or intimidation and extortion through the judges - the instant destruction of myself and my publishing company is one example of this, occurring in a flash with US police at my door and a bribed US federal judge on the phone telling me I no longer had any rights, the US Constitution no...