移民英国的著名波兰犹太人包括戏剧经理Henry Lowenfeld(Henryk Loewenfeld)、从事啤酒酿造业的Michael Marks(Michał Marks,马莎百货[Marks & Spencer]的创始人之一)、Morris Wartski(古董经销商Wartski的创始人)以及Jack Cohen(Jacob Kohen)一家(Tesco超市创始人)。 也许于19世纪末定居英国的最著名波兰人当属水手出身...
While everyone has heard of, and probably uses, Wikipedia, what fewer understand is the impact it has on search results. Wikipedia ranks highly in responses to many search queriesdue to the high degree of trust the search engines have in its content, the breadth of information it contains and...
Judge Dana Leigh Marks Judge Dana Leigh Marks Judge Dana Sabraw Judge Daniel Anthony Manion Judge Daniel Bress Judge Daniel Gilbert Judge David Crosland Judge David Hamilton Judge Deborah Goodwin Judge Deborah K. Goodwin Judge Denise G. Brown Judge Denise M. Hunter Judge Denise ...
Seymour Martin Lipset(March 18, 1922–December 31, 2006) was an Americanpolitical sociologist, seniorfellowat theHoover Institution, and the Hazel Professor ofPublic PolicyatGeorge Mason University. His major work was in the fields of political sociology, trade union organization, social stratification...
The narrator of the poem is less concerned with the experience of observing Lucy than with his reflections and meditations on his observations.[60] Throughout the poem sadness and ecstasy are intertwined, a fact emphasised by the exclamation marks in the second and third verses. The critic Carl...