路德维希·范·贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770-1827)是符合“饱受折磨艺术家”描述的另一人,他在丧失听觉后,变得愈发孤寂,选择隐居,对社会麻木冷淡。1802年10月6日,身在维也纳海利根施塔特(Heiligenstadt,意译:‘圣城’)的贝多芬在给自己的弟弟卡斯帕(Kaspar)和尼古拉斯(Nikolaus)的信(即<海利根施塔特遗嘱>,Heiligenst...
Op.90 is one sonata for which Beethoven provided descriptive titles, albeit in jest. The first movement was intended to be an affectionate joke at the expense of his friend, the Count von Lichnowsky, to whom Beethoven dedicated the sonata and who was about to embark on a second marriage ag...