In 1998 and 1999, the Modern Library rankedBrave New Worldat number 5 on its list of the 100 Best Novels in English of the 20th century.[4] In 2003, Robert McCrum, writing forThe Observer, includedBrave New Worldchronologically at number 53 in "the top 100 greatest novels of all time"...
“suppress other religions ...reestablish slavery. ...reduce women to near-slavery by making them property. ...execute anyone found guilty of pre-marital, extramarital, or homosexual sex and bring back the death penalty for witchcraft.[77]” Ten days later on May 10 Essjay posted ...
ThefollowingisachronologicallistoftelevisionseriesandindividualprogrammeswhereDavid Attenboroughiscreditedaswriter,presenter,narratororproducer.Inacareerspanningsix decades,Attenborough'snamehasbecomesynonymouswiththenaturalhistoryprogrammes producedbytheBBCNaturalHistoryUnit. ...
According to Luke, Mary learned from an angel that she was with child, by virtue of impregnation without intercourse by theHoly Spirit. Shortly thereafter, she and her husband Joseph left their Nazareth home to travel to Joseph‘s ancestral home, Bethlehem of Judea, to enroll in the census o...
"Title": string"List of animal actors" "URL": string"" "Introduction/Summary": string"Following is a list of animal actors. Those listed should have either a substantial number of performances or, in rare cases, a high-profile role." "...