· Shannon(Shannon Arrum Williams Lees/Kim Arrum,1998-),韩国-威尔士血统,韩国歌手 · 卫诗(Jill Vidal,1982-),韩国-菲律宾血统,香港歌手 · Sue Son(Son Sue-Kyung,1985-),韩国古典小提琴手。生于首尔,成长于埃塞克斯郡科尔切斯特区,科尔切斯特(Colchester) · 韩世龙(Jack Aitken/Han Se-yong,1995-),英国...
Matilda reveals her new powers to Miss Honey, who confides that after her wealthy father, Dr Magnus Honey, suspiciously died, she was raised by an abusive aunt, revealed to be Miss Trunchbull, who evidently murdered Magnus while making it look like a suicide. And besides committing other misd...
Jack and his tribe steal Piggy's glasses, the only means of starting a fire. Ralph goes to Jack's camp with Piggy, Sam, and Eric to confront him and retrieve the glasses. Roger drops a boulder that kills Piggy and shatters the conch. Ralph manages to escape, but Sam and Eric are fo...
George Galloway, Rupert Sheldrake, Jill Stein, Gary Null and the other victims of Wikipedia’s character assassination are public figures. They stand behind their positions and are open and available for debate and discussion. Because Wikipedia editors are anonymous, their backgrounds remain unknown, ...
ACIJ Jack Weil ACLU ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan Acting Secretary Elaine Duke Action Comics Adam Behsudi Adam Bernstein ADAM BONICA Adam Davidson Adam Eaton Adam Edelman Adam Entous Adam Garnick Adam Goldman Adam K. Raymond Adam...
· 卫诗(Jill Vidal,1982-),韩国-菲律宾血统,香港歌手 · Sue Son(Son Sue-Kyung,1985-),韩国古典小提琴手。生于首尔,成长于埃塞克斯郡科尔切斯特区,科尔切斯特(Colchester) · 韩世龙(Jack Aitken/Han Se-yong,1995-),英国一级方程式车队威廉姆斯车队(Williams Grand Prix Engineering/Williams Racing)赛车手 · ...
^Mitchell, Roger (1991). "On 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'". In Myers, Jack; Wojahan, David (eds.).A Profile of Twentieth-Century American Poetry. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press. ISBN 0809313480.
California native Jack London had traveled around the United States as a hobo, returned to California to finish high school (he dropped out at age 14), and spent a year in college at Berkeley, when in 1897 he went to the Klondike by way of Alaska during the height of the Klondike Gold...
The Bloody Chamberhas received heavy praise and attention from numerous critics such as Jack Zipes (who called it a "remarkable collection"[14]) and Marina Warner (who, on its inspirational nature, said it "turned the key for [her] as a writer"[15]). Neil Gaiman cited the book as one...
John's death has been linked to Kipling's 1916 poem "My Boy Jack", notably in the playMy Boy Jackand its subsequent television adaptation, along with the documentaryRudyard Kipling: A Remembrance Tale. However, the poem was originally published at the head of a story about the Battle of ...