《塞万提斯的思想》(The Thought of Cervantes,1925年)、《伊比利亚美洲的现在与过去》(Ibero-America, Its Present and Its Past,1941年)、《西班牙人:一段历史简介》(The Spaniards: an Introduction to their History,1948年)、《西班牙历史
For es.wikipedia.org, Mexico dominates traffic with 122M visits, an increase of 9.6M from the previous month, making up 25.2% of the total traffic. Location Traffic Share Mexico 122M +9.6M 25.2% Spain 107M +7.4M 22.0% Argentina 71M +8.1M 14.7% Colombia 50M +11M 10.3% Chile 31M ...
“ With clanging, creaking, and squeaking, an iron curtain is lowering over Russian History. "The performance is over." The audience got up. "Time to put on your fur coats and go home." We looked around, but the fur coats and homes were missing.[9] ” Incidentally, this same passage...
· Goodwin, Bob (2003). Spurs: The Illustrated History. Bredon. ISBN 1-85983-387-X. · Goldblatt, David (2014). The Game of Our Lives: The Meaning and Making of English Football. ISBN 9780670920594. · Welch, Julie (2015). The Biography of Tottenham Hotspur. Vision Sports Publishing. I...
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of his poems ranged from pop-song clichés to complex philosophical meditations, from the corns on his toes to atoms and stars, from contemporary crises to the evolution of society.[19][2] He also wrote more than four hundred essays and reviews about literature, history, politics, music, ...
Messiah | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica britannica.com https://www.britannica.com/topic/messiah-religion WEBmessiah, (from Hebrew mashiaḥ, “anointed”), in Judaism, the expected king of the Davidic line who would deliver Israel from foreign bondage and restore the glories of ...
2History 2.1Pre-1945 2.2Early Cold War 2.3Two Doomsday Devices 2.4MIRVS 2.5Second strike capability 2.6Late Cold War 2.7Post Cold War 3Official policy 4Criticism 5See also 6References 7External links Theory[edit source] The doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) assumes that each side has...
Sandro Bauer, Stephen Clark, and Thore Graepel. Learning to identify histor- ical figures for timeline creation from wikipedia articles. In Proceedings of His- toInformatics2014 - the 2nd International Workshop on Computational History, Barcelona, Spain, 2014....
his analysis of history. His approach is indicated by the opening line of the The Communist Manifesto (1848): “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”. Marx argued that capitalism, like previous socioeconomic systems, will produce internal tensions which ...