H. Auden (1945), with most of his earlier poems, many in revised versions.[5] [edit] 1947 through 1957 After completing The Age of Anxiety in 1946 he focused again on shorter poems, notably "A Walk After Dark," "The Love Feast", and "The Fall of Rome."[24] Many of these ...
该联队创立于战争末期,是最后一批成立的战斗机联队之一,在帝国防御(Reichsverteidigung/ Defence of the Reich)作战期间,该联队曾在东西线战场作战。这战争的转个阶段里,德空军战斗机损失惨重,胜绩寥寥。 参考资料 · Brooks, Thomas R. (2003). The War North of Rome (June 1944 – May 1945). Da Capo ...
On the Consolation of Philosophywas written in AD 523 during a one-year imprisonment Boethius served while awaiting trial—and eventual execution—for the alleged crime of treason under the Ostrogothic King Theodoric the Great. Boethius was at the very heights of power in Rome, holding the presti...
He also became a member of the Club of Rome and the Club of Madrid,[43] an independent non-profit organization composed of 81 democratic former presidents and Prime Ministers from 57 different countries. In the decade that followed the Cold War, Gorbachev opposed both the U.S.-led NATO ...
respectively, needed a convincing explanation.[101] Fitzgerald thanked Perkins for his detailed criticisms and claimed that such feedback would enable him to perfect the manuscript.[102] Having relocated with his wife to Rome,[103] Fitzgerald made revisions to the manuscript throughout the winter.[...
But as in otherfairs, some one Commodity is as the chief of all thefair, so the Ware ofRomeand her Merchandize is greatly promoted inthis fair: Only ourEnglishNation, with some others, have taken a dislike thereat.[44] In the Second Part, while Christiana and her group of pilgrims led...
"URL": string"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivarium_(Rome)" "Introduction/Summary": string"A Vivarium was an enclosure where the ancient Romans kept wild animals used for hunts or other types of entertainments." "Body": string"A Vivarium was an enclosure where the ancient Romans kept wild...
Ancient Greece and Rome Aristotle systematises many of Plato's analyses in his Politics, and criticizes the propositions of several political philosophers for the ideal city-state. Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism, wrote his version of an ideal society, Zeno's Republic, in opposition ...
Casaubon arrives back from Rome about the same time, but suffers a heart attack. Lydgate attends him and tells Dorothea it is difficult to pronounce on the nature of Casaubon's illness and chances of recovery: that he may indeed live about 15 years if he takes it easy and ceases his stu...
of two Scottish immigrants, James and Andrew Rome, whom Whitman had known since the 1840s.[11] The shop was located at Fulton Street (now Cadman Plaza West) and Cranberry Street, now the site of apartment buildings that bear Whitman's name.[12][13] Whitman paid for and did much of ...