Other Category Schemes By category-By academic discipline-Historical timeline-Themed timelines-Calendar-Reference tables-Biographies-Countries
Wikipedia Zero enables mobile access, free of data charges, to Wikipedia in developing countries via cooperations with local internet service providers. While some criticize the initiative because of it being a violation of net neutrality principles (see, for example, this mailing-list discussion),...
Yet Wikipedia is an oddity. It defies the Silicon Valley recipe for success. The site has no shareholders, has generated no billionaires and sells no advertising. Today’s aspiring tech giants burn vast quantities of investors’ money subsidising taxi rides (Uber) or millennial messaging (Snap) ...
The other group consisted of the global articles edited in those three countries as well as the rest of the world that contained the widest, shared representation of the world. This discourse analysis reveals that the representation of the world is not strictly determined by the core. While the...
ofstudents, professors, journalists andany number ofcurious people,its contributors do much to make the intellectual weather.The WHO’s decision to work with Wikipedia reflects research suggesting that the site isthe most-read source of medical informationin the world—for doctors as well as ...
Internet users who export material that is illegal, that is to say, post material that is accessible and illegal in some foreign countries may be subject to prosecution in that country. However, under American law, the United States will not extradite a person for engaging in a constitutionally...
• Income inequality for the world as a whole is diminishing. • Life expectancy has almost doubled in the developing countries. • Democracy has increas ed dramatically. • Percent of world population living where food supply is less than 2200 calories decrease from 56% in 1965 ...
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• Income inequality for the world as a whole is diminishing. • Life expectancy has almost doubled in the developing countries. • Democracy has increas ed dramatically. • Percent of world population living where food supply is less than 2200 calories decrease from 56% in 1965 ...
What is the longest article title? The shortest? What countries are most popular within article titles? 1. 简介 Wikipedia是世界上最大的百科全书,是一个众包的开放式知识项目和网站,拥有数百万个单独的网页。该数据集摘录了截至2017年9月20日Wikipedia上每篇文章的标题。