Two days ago, Sigrid and I have submitted a paper on community governance in the realm of Creative Commons and Wikimedia to this year’s Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Today, I have learnt about major upcoming changes in governance of the latter of our two cases. Wikimedia is at th...
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Wang, Y., Fan, X., Chen, L. et al. Mapping ...
[2] Wikipedia has been working on the switch to Creative Commons licenses because the GFDL, initially designed for software manuals, is not suitable for online reference works and because the two licenses are currently incompatible. Some language editions, such as the English Wikipedia, include non...
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Iron curtain Freedom Without Walls: German Missions in the United States Looking Back at the Fall of the Berlin Wall – official homepage in English Information about the Iron Curtain with a detailed map and how to make it by bike "Peep under the Iron...
Under a Creative Commons license open accessHighlights Abstract The English-language Wikipedia article on the airplane states that Clément Ader ‘attempted to fly’, whereas ‘the Wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane’. The French-language Wikipedia, in turn, points to France's pion...
Just outside the Valley of the Shadow of Death he meets Faithful, also a former resident of the City of Destruction, who accompanies him toVanity Fair, a place built by Beelzebub where every thing to a human's taste, delight, and lust is sold daily, where both are arrested and detained...
86.Human Rights Act 1998.Accessed November 3, 2010. 87.UGLE StatementAccessed March 4, 2006. 88.Hansard (UK House of Commons Daily Debates)accessed 12 May 2006. 89.Hansard (UK House of Commons Daily Debates)accessed 12 May 2006.
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, [...] Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith ...
In 1972, he headed a Soviet delegation to Belgium,[14] and three years later he led a delegation to West Germany; in 1983 he headed a delegation to Canada to meet with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and members of the Commons and Senate. In 1984, he travelled to the United Kingdom, ...
See for more information. 0 Acknowledgements There are many people without whom this work would not be possible. Scott and Kathleen Geiger, my loving parents, have been constantly supportive of me throughout my life, and I simply cannot ...