Biblical Magi Adoration of the Magi Adoration of the Shepherds Advent Angel Gabriel Annunciation Annunciation to the shepherds Baptism of the Lord Bethlehem Christmastide Epiphany Herod the Great Jesus Joseph Mary Massacre of the Innocents flight into Egypt Nativity Fast Nativity...
| title = Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature | volume = Volume 3 | publisher = Harper & Brothers Publishers | place = New York | year = 1883 }} </ref> [McCord 2003] <ref name="McCord2003"> {{cite book | author1 = Beth K. McCord | author2 = Donald...
AlthoughThe Princewas written as if it were a traditional work in themirrors for princesstyle, it was generally agreed as being especially innovative. This is partly because it was written in the vernacular Italian rather than Latin, a practice that had become increasingly popular since the public...
The novel's title is a literal translation of Beelzebub, a biblical demon considered the god of pride and warfare.[4] Golding, who was a philosophy teacher before becoming a Royal Navy lieutenant, experienced war firsthand, and commanded a landing craft in the Normandy landings during D-Day ...
Elaborations or amendments to Biblical tales, such as the tales ofSalomé, theThree Wise Men, or St.Dismas. Names and biographical details supplied for unnamed Biblical characters: seeList of names for the Biblical nameless Literary treatments of traditional Biblical lore, such asParadise LostandPara...
↑ Thus rendered in Latin by Livy (30.7.5), attested in Punic inscriptions as SPΘM /ʃuftˤim/, meaning "judges" and obviously related to the Biblical Hebrew ruler-title Shophet "Judge"). Punic: 𐤔𐤐𐤈, šūfeṭ; Phoenician: PΘ /ʃufitˤ/ ↑ Punic: 𐤓𐤔...
Lewis and Tolkien regarded their works as Christian. Many of Lewis‘s works borrowed extensively from Christian themes: one of the clearest examples is theNarniaseries, which has been interpreted as an allegory for certain Biblical stories -- although, in the case of theNarniaseries, Lewis denied...
the group responsible for the garden-like British war graves that can be found to this day dotted along the former Western Front and the other places in the world where British Empire troops lie buried. His main contributions to the project were his selection of the biblical phrase, "Their ...