1942年末,迪格比的哥哥约翰(服役于第2龙骑兵卫队[女王的海湾][2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)])在第二次阿拉曼战役中阵亡,迪格比听闻后,志愿加入空降兵部队,之后被调转入伞兵团。他在第1空降师(1st Airborne Division)第1伞兵旅(1st Parachute Brigade)的第2伞兵营(2nd Battalion)的A连担任连长。受训期间,他...
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base is a base of the Royal Thai Air Force located in northeast Thailand, approximately 157 miles (250 km) northeast of Bangkok and about 5 miles (8 km) south of the centre of Nakhon Ratchasima (which also known as Khorat or Korat), the second largest city...
Sudanese Armed ForcesPopular Defence ForceYomboFifth DivisionSecond DivisionSixth DivisionFirst DivisionSeventh DivisionAs ShajarahAirborne DivisionThird Division