学者William Siska主张,1940年代中后期的意大利新现实主义(Neorealism)电影,如《罗马,不设防的城市》(Roma città aperta/ Rome, Open City/ Open City,1945年)、《战火》(Paisan,1946年)以及《偷自行车的人》(Ladri di biciclette,1948年)等也可被定义为另一场“有意识的艺术电影运动”(conscious art film movem...
这部电影的正式片名为“特蕾西恩施塔特:一部来自犹太定居区的纪录片”(Theresienstadt. Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet),也被犹太犯人们称作《元首送给了犹太人一座城市》(Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt)。该片于1945年3月28日首映,原本是为了回击那些传到了西方盟国以及中立国的犹...
, film Men of Honor.[33] In March 2009, Time magazine identified the Palomares accident as one of the world's "worst nuclear disasters".[34] Popular culture references[edit source] This incident was given the movie treatment in a semi serious film "The Day the Fish Came Out" which ...
#5:Oppenheimer(film) #7:J. Robert Oppenheimer #8:Jawan(film) #10:Pathaan(film) #11:The Last of Us(TV series) Top 5 Celebrity Articles #12:Taylor Swift #17:Matthew Perry #19:Elon Musk #22:Lisa Marie Presley #25:Andrew Tate If you'd like to see the Top 25 of 2023 and even arc...
#5:Oppenheimer(film) #7:J. Robert Oppenheimer #8:Jawan(film) #10:Pathaan(film) #11:The Last of Us(TV series) Top 5 Celebrity Articles #12:Taylor Swift #17:Matthew Perry #19:Elon Musk #22:Lisa Marie Presley #25:Andrew Tate
Hughes's life has been portrayed in film and stage productions since the late 20th century. InLooking for Langston(1989), British filmmaker Isaac Julien claimed him as a black gay icon—Julien thought that Hughes's sexuality had historically been ignored or downplayed. Film portrayals of Hughes...
2.1 Radio and film 2.2 Military service 2.3 SAG president 2.3.1 Secret FBI informant in Hollywood 2.4 Television 3 Marriages and children 4 Early political career 5 Governor of California, 1967–1975 6 1976 presidential campaign 7 1980 presidential campaign 8 Presidency, 1981–1989 8.1 First te...
#5:Oppenheimer(film) #7:J. Robert Oppenheimer #8:Jawan(film) #10:Pathaan(film) #11:The Last of Us(TV series) Top 5 Celebrity Articles #12:Taylor Swift #17:Matthew Perry #19:Elon Musk #22:Lisa Marie Presley #25:Andrew Tate
#5:Oppenheimer(film) #7:J. Robert Oppenheimer #8:Jawan(film) #10:Pathaan(film) #11:The Last of Us(TV series) Top 5 Celebrity Articles #12:Taylor Swift #17:Matthew Perry #19:Elon Musk #22:Lisa Marie Presley #25:Andrew Tate
In film In the 1985 filmHeaven Help Us, Danni reads a passage from "Sophistication" to her grief-stricken father. In the 2003 filmThe Best of Youth (La meglio gioventù), Matteo Carati borrowsRacconti dell'Ohio, the Italian translation of the book, from the library in Rome where he sees...