This article focuses on taking you through all of the basics for the six instruments in a Cessna 172, one of the most common aircraft. The Cessna 172 is illustrative of all similar types of aircraft. Moreover, if needed, you will be able to understand the more complex glass panel instrume...
If you're looking to fly a plane legally and safely, you'll need to sign up for thorough training and get your pilot's license. But if you're curious about what a pilot does to safely fly a plane, or you're embarking on flying lessons...
To fly a helicopter, your left hand will operate the collective control, which changes the main rotor’s blade angle. Raise the collective to make the helicopter rise, and lower it to make it go down. With your right hand, you'll operate the cyclic contr
Fly a Helicopter How toBuild an Airplane How toFly a Cessna How toAdd TSA PreCheck to Southwest How toLand a Cessna 172 How toLand an Airplane in an Emergency How toIdentify an Airbus A320 Family Aircraft How toUnderstand US Military Aircraft Designations References ↑
Fly a Cessna How toListen to Your Local Air Traffic Control How toIdentify a Boeing from an Airbus How toMake a Drone How toSurvive a Plane Crash How toFly an Airplane How toNavigate Using a VOR How toFly a Helicopter How toAdd TSA PreCheck to Southwest How toLand an Airplane in an...
Ever dreamed of piloting a helicopter? Flying a helicopter, or rotorcraft, requires a different set of skills than flying an airplane, although there are some similarities. While an airplane depends on forward motion to ... How to Fly a Cessna ...