Getting a boyfriend in middle school might seem like a really confusing task. You may not know how to get your crush’s attention, or even how to find the right boy in the first place. While there’s no magic potion that can make a boy fall in love with you, you can boost your ...
If you’ve got a girl texting you memes, she’s likely trying to get your attention and build a connection with you. By sharing memes, which are generally meant to elicit a laugh, she may be trying to create an inside joke or play off something you both already find humorous. Humor ...
Being interested in someone who is out of your league is a super common problem, but it doesn't have to be the end of your relationship dreams. Instead of fixating on her, focus on becoming a better version of yourself so that you'll be...
Your relationship ended because something happened or it wasn't going well, and if you put that relationship on a pedestal of perfection, it's hard to get over it. 2 Forgive the person to let go of your anger. One way to work on forgiving them is to remember the good parts of the ...
Usually we have feelings telling us to get in touch with more complex emotions existing underneath. It is there, underneath your emotional response, that an individual will find something out about their needs being met. This comes into play when making decisions; a thinker is more likely to ...
It's best to make your first "date" in a familiar public place and possibly even bring a friend along. 2 Get to know your potential fling a little. Find out more about their personality and interests. Naturally, if they like the same things as you, that's great. More importantly, ...
Google jokes or download a joke app to your phone. Download or screenshot funny pictures or memes and revisit them throughout your day. Spend more time with your funny friends. 5 Make fun plans to look forward to. If you don't feel that you have many things to look forward to, or ...
You might choose to play basketball, get some ice cream, watch a movie, or go to dinner with a friend. When you’re feeling crabby throughout your day, improve your mood by watching a funny video or searching for funny memes. 4 Maintain a healthy diet. Improve your personality and your...