During the First World War, in addition to their usual stations aboard ship, Royal Marines were part of the Royal Naval Division which landed in Belgium in 1914 to help defend Antwerp and later took part in the amphibious landing at Gallipoli in 1915. It also served on the Western Front. ...
The Minister for Magic was the political leader of the wizarding community in their respective countries around the world, and the highest ranking member of the Ministry of Magic, which they controlled. The position somewhat corresponded to the Prime Minister of Muggles in their respective countries...
The Republic of Zamwazia (French: République du Zamwazia) also known as Zamwazia is a sovereign state in Southern Africa. It boarders Angola to the north, Zambia to the east, and Namibia to the south. Its western coastline is completely boarded by the A
However, if the child in question was a Muggle-born or raised by Muggles, like Harry Potter, with no knowledge of the wizarding world, a special messenger from the school visited the child and his or her family in order to inform them of their magical heritage and the existence of the ...
In 2010, South Africa became the first African country to ever host the world cup, he did what Morroco couldn't truly awesome. btw the jabbulani is the most hated world cup football ever due to its unpredictable movement South Africaball also has become one of the richest African countries...
Kravchenko slapping Peck. Quotes (Over radio) "February 4th, 1968. The stabilizing agents supplied by Doctor Clarke have met with success. Recent field tests on the local population have shown this to be the most effective strain of Nova 6 thus far. As with previous animal tests at Rebirth,...
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Speculative biology, or speculative evolution, is a term that refers to a very hypothetical field of science that makes predictions and hypotheses on the evolution of life in a wide variety of scenarios and is also a form of fiction to an extent. It uses
↑Food and Agriculture Organisation (1999) "The incidental catch of seabirds by longline fisheries: worldwide review and technical guidelines for mitigation. FAO Fisheries Circular No.937. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.[8] ...
Years later, Magneto and Mystique are in charge of the Brotherhood of Mutants and, using a high-tech machine, attempt to mutate the world's leaders, unaware that it would cause humans to lose their molecular structure (as seen in Senator Kelly). Magneto is aware, however, that his use ...