Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Recent Images Arms Trafficking/Steal the Duster 300-H 12 minutes ago Arms Trafficking/Steal the Duster 300-H 12 minutes ago Arms Trafficking/Steal the Duster 300-H 12 minutes ago...
The Bridge is a present-day crime thriller exploring the tensions on the U.S.-Mexico border. When an American judge known for her anti-immigration views is found dead on the bridge connecting El Paso and Juarez, Sonya Cross (Diane Kruger) from El Paso P.D. must work with her Mexican ...
or slaying those who venture into their camps. They carry a wide variety of equipment, and seem to have a reasonably stable social order, although they have been known to execute their own from a plank high above the cliffs overlooking the Herzog Mine. Ruthless, unrepentant, and well-armed,...
之后的谭雅的图标修改自deviantart上的,原图作者为sigma19;心灵终结2中谭雅的图标取自原版过场电影。 虽然心灵终结3.0之后的谭雅继承了原版尤里的复仇对应单位的大部分设定,但两者也存在许多不同: 原版谭雅的C4炸弹是游戏代码层面的摧毁任何建筑并消灭任何逃生的步兵,心灵终结的谭雅则使用疯狂伊文的定时炸弹逻辑,需要等待...
[60] To prevent this from happening, Septimius was sent to find Pompey, due to his previous service under the general in 67 BCE. After Pompey and his troops landed northwest of Herakleion, Septimius and his men abushed the general, killing him.[59] Afterwards, Septimius cut off Pompey's...
As Fender found out later, Tangaroa had been told that Judy Bound would be held under the same charges if he did not confess. After the trial, Fender visited Tangaroa as often as he could, though he ultimately could not visit every day. Bound, however, managed to visit every day, rain...
“Listen up. The Front is unaware we control the Olympus. We're going to Mars. Ethan, set a drop course for SetDef's Orbital Shipyard. We'll use their own ship against them and launch a full assault from the Olympus bridge. The Front destroyed our fleet. Let's do the same to them...
Matthew Wall edited this pageMar 1, 2025·456 revisions Welcome to the WeeWX wiki! This is the place to go for information about the many extensions available for WeeWX, as well as random "how to" tips. For information on how to download, install, and configure WeeWX, see thedocumentati...
They are the only soldiers under the command of Colonel Silver who appear in the Dragon Ball manga. While they were snoozing instead of searching the Dragon Ball, Colonel Silver rudely awakens them with his gun. They talk about how pointless the search is when Goku comes and finds the ...
For the song named after this character, see sans.. i'm sans.sans the skeleton. Sans introducing himself. Sans (/sænz/[2]) is the older[1] brother of Papyrus and a major character in Undertale. He first appears in Snowdin Forest after the protagonist